Landmark Volleyball Game V.S. Clay, senior night celebration, players share their thoughts

A night to remember

Logan Michael, Journalist, Photographer

Last thursday’s volleyball match (9/22/22) was intense, and filled with adversity. Being the season’s senior night, and going up against Clay, this game was defining for the season.

The night opened with a very successfull JV game, garnering period scores of 25/14, and 25/17. The JV team’s glory set a joyful precedent for the rest of the night’s activities, especially the varsity match. Following the JV game, it was time to honor the 3 graduating seniors on the varsity team: Katie Simmons, Lily Hough and Maddy Ayers. Senior night for any sport is a time of appreciation and respect for the graduating athletes. With every player there to show their support, this wonderful sentiment rang true. When asked for her thoughts on the ceremony, Senior Maddy Ayers said the following:

“Katie Simmons, Lily Hough and myself were all so happy with how we played. Our ceremony was so special with all of our friends and teammates celebrating us. We love our team and this volleyball program so much!”



Following this heartfelt moment, it was time for the big varsity game between Fleming’s Golden Eagles, and Clay’s Blue Devils to commence! It did not dissapoint. The Varsity game’s first period ended with a strong 25/11. Things were looking bright. However, the second period was much more dificult, only winning by a margin of 4 with a 25/21. Despite the game feeling closer, the varsity team knocked the score out bounds in the third period, with an impressive 25/7, winning the game. As Junior Rauly Eason put it “We showed the Blue Devils what we were made of, and took it home with a win.” Evidently, our team was fired up and passionate throughout the game. Regarding the match, Senior Katie Simmons attested that “we all went into the game with a lot of good energy which made us do even better than normal since we were all in a good mood. This season has been very turbulent with some girls on our team getting injureed, but I think we have really turned it around and are coming back at the end of our season harder than before.”

Being there myself, this volleyball game was certiantly not one to miss. Aside from the exciting plays coming from our players, the overall feel of the night was amazing. A sophomore on the varsity team, Savannah Jackson particulalry mentioned the good rallies, plays, and energy, that was present that night. I couldn’t have agreed more. While not on the court myself, taking photos of the game was exhilerating, and I’m grateful to have witnessed such an outpour of positive emotion present in our players and student section.

If I were you, I would defienetly catch the remaining games this season! Tickets can be purchased at