As one of the service opportunities for the month of February, the National Honors Society organized a blanket drive. All the blankets collected were to be donated to the Trinity Rescue Mission. The Trinity Rescue Mission, which is located here in Jacksonville, Florida, has been all about helping the homeless and those less fortunate since the year 1962. If you want to learn more about them and how you can help, click on the link below to go to their website.
This volunteer opportunity goes with one of the pillars that NHS follows, Service. The pillar of Service is all about stepping outside of one’s comfort zone to commit selfless acts while helping those who have been less fortunate. Service allows us to better our community and learn from new experiences.
Members of the National Honors Society set up a table outside the Fleming Island Public Library every Friday and Saturday in the month of February, excluding the 7th and the 14th. On Fridays, they stayed from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm and on Saturdays they stayed from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Overall, the members had a great time and as they were waiting for donations they utilized their time wisely by studying or doing homework. This opportunity was offered to both seniors and juniors, and it gave them the chance to earn up to 18 hours if they signed up for all of the days provided.
The Trinity Rescue Center was very grateful for the donations. We hope that those in the center got comfort from the blankets and were able to sleep peacefully.
A huge thank you to those that contributed through their blanket donations and helped spread the word, as well as the staff at the Fleming Island Public Library for letting us set up outside and providing us with some tables and chairs.